Things I Love Friday 16.11.2012

Hey darlings! 

I'm at home with an awful cold (which I've complained about sooo much already. Ugh!). In an effort to get better, I'm doing this stuff as well as focusing on being grateful for everything awesome that's happened this week. Join me?


♥ Sorry to be so vague about this one, but... Really exciting things are happening here, to be unveiled soon! Eeeee!!

♥ I was invited to cover the One of a Kind Christmas Show (November 22-December 2) for Fashion Beauty Body Image. I've covered the show before, and it's always fun-- and a great place to do some holiday shopping.

♥ I'm feeling especially grateful for my parents today. I know they're far from perfect, but they instilled a lot of incredible values in me, gifts I'll continue to discover for years to come. I'm very blessed.

Little things which made me smile:

♥ Tomato soup... yummy. ♥ A really sweet email from Shirley 
♥ Got my Glymm box today! It's fun to get samples of cosmetics in the mail every month. ♥
My Cat is a Dick. *giggle* ♥ Marilyn Wann's HAES talks. She's brilliant. ♥
♥ Oh my goodness, I love imgfave! ♥

How about you? What made your week?

P.S. If you're thinking about doing your own TiLT/F list, you should read what Gala Darling said about her experience:

"...learning to see the blessings in your life is one of the fastest ways to feeling true, genuine happiness. I’ve been writing my Things I Love Thursday column for six years now — that’s crazy! — & it really helps me keep perspective. It is so easy to grumble & grizzle, to be pedantic & pout, but it takes skill & discipline to look on the bright side.

My weekly TiLT lists serve a few purposes. Firstly, it gets me to focus on the positive, & not just in some abstract way: it forces me to really sit down, assess my life, & shine a light on the best parts of it. Secondly, it serves as a kind of “happy diary”, a way of chronicling & remembering my life — which I need, because my memory is not what it used to be! 

I’m sure that to some people, my writing of a public gratitude list is weird & incomprehensible. I don’t write this to boast; instead, I write it to hopefully persuade you to do the same. When I commit myself to doing this every week, out loud & in public, maybe that will inspire you to commit in a similar way.

Writing a list of your blessings doesn’t have to take a long time — it could be as short as a tweet! — but it is an instant mood picker-upper, & the long-term effects from doing it on the regular are immense & wonderful". 

Isn't that gorgeous?
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