8 Things To Do This Black Friday

Note: This article is especially for my American readers, who are celebrating Thanksgiving today.

Instead of rushing to the mall tomorrow, here's how you could be spending Black Friday:

1 Shopping online instead. No crowds, so you can take your time. Less stress, so you'll probably spend less money. And you can stay in your pj's.

2 Writing a Things I Love Friday list. Thanksgiving should be every day!

3 Curling up with a great read. Pore over your favourite blogs' archives or choose an exciting novel.

4 Whipping up a yummy, light, post-Thanksgiving brunch for yourself and your family.

5 Taking a day trip to Canada, where we don't observe Black Friday quite as fervently!

6 Looking into setting up a savings account.
Save instead of spending!

7 Skimming through the Polish and Sparkle Link Love archives.

8 Giving yourself a DIY mani-pedi. Go all out with warming scrubs and gorgeous polishes.

How are you going to spend Black Friday?

Image Source: SomeEcards
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