5 #FatAndFabulous Things Friday

Welcome to #FatAndFabulous Things Friday! It's a quick biweekly(?) list of body positive, fat positive, fun and inspiring stuff.

1) The term “booty dimples” makes me smile. (The Revelist)

2) “Most Girls” - Hailee Steinfeld. It's been out for a while now, and if you haven’t watched it yet, you should! My only complaint is that there wasn’t more size diversity in the video. (YouTube)

3) What sex-positivity isn't: “Like feminism, sex-positivity has become a more globally recognized movement in recent years. Also like feminism, it’s been co-opted into something that it’s not. In this case: sex performativity.” (Continuum Collective)

4) I wish this kind of sex ed had been taught when I was in school. Loving your body (including in a sexual way, if you want to) is powerful. Way to go for talking about sexual health in a way most people are afraid to, Teen Vogue! (Teen Vogue)

5) The diversity in this fashion campaign is stunning! (Miss Moss)

What fabulousness have you seen (or created) in the fatosphere lately?

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