Spoonies vs Winter: A Love-Hate Relationship

I love winter. Fresh-baked gingerbread. Wearing slippers and sipping hot chocolate while I write, cats nestled by my side. Holiday dinners with family and friends. Christmas trees, menorahs, fluffy snow everywhere...

But I also hate winter. Daily panic attacks because of the weather. Scrubbing my hands until they're raw, because the person sitting next to me on the bus coughed. Fearing I can't pay the heating bill because I'm underemployed but still was turned down for disability. Icy fingers and toes (which is saying something, for an anemic). Being sad that I don't have the strength to toboggan or snowshoe like I used to.

Thus is life for a spoonie; things you once enjoyed, you can't as much (or at all); things you once paid no mind to, make life incredibly difficult. Winter also brings Seasonal Affective Disorder (or symptoms thereof), additional expenses, like heating, boots and warm clothes (difficult to afford if you're un- or under-employed thanks to a disability), and unfortunate run-ins with family members who don't 'get' the illness you're dealing with. And every day, you're forced to struggle with pain, fatigue and stigma on top of it all.

Do you have a love-hate relationship with winter? How do you cope?
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