I've missed you, gorgeous! Thanks to some really painful complications from PCOS, I've been MIA for a little while, but I'm slowly getting back on track. That's something I'm incredibly thankful for. What are you most excited about this week?
Little things which made me smile:
♥ 30 Rock marathons ♥ Connecting with new people on Twitter ♥ Learning lots from Alexis' webinar on Twitter for Go-Getters. Plus, you can sign up for Lexi's next free webinar here! ♥ Re-reading The Help ♥ Lana Del Rey's Fashion Magazine cover ♥ Working on new content for The Teacher and the Traveller ♥ Electric blue nail polish ♥ New music from two excellent but very different artists: Demi Lovato & HIM ♥
I'm desperate to visit this cat cafe in Budapest!
These Scrabble cookies are adorable.
Lastly, here's a travel piece I wrote with Lin: Mars on Earth: Visit the Cheltenham Badlands.
Have a wonderful weekend!