I don't...

Here at P&S, I talk a lot about what I do: love sparkles, have an anxiety disorder, write. But what about what I don't?

Inspired by Rags To Stitches, here's my I Don't list:

-I don't mind long bus rides. In fact, I enjoy them!

-I don't have any problem with working hard, every day, for the life I want. Healthy, successful, happy.

-I don't exercise as much as I'd like to. I can't, due to some of my numerous medical issues, but I'm taking baby steps to get back into it. I miss hiking!

-I don't know why it's taken me so long to become a Law and Order SVU fan. But now I'm hooked.

-I don't have a crush on Julianne Moore. Just kidding. I totally do.

-I don't like talking on the phone.

-I don't believe I will ever, ever get enough of the Ikea Monkey.

-I don't like Brussels sprouts. I do, however, loooove spinach and broccoli.

-I don't believe it's only been a few months since I was in New York City and Washington, DC. I have itchy feet!

-I don't mind making silly faces and eating cotton candy on camera. [What good memories!!].

-I don't regret switching from Instagram to Flickr.

Wow. This has turned into a real exercise in both reframing how I think while writing (negative instead of positive), and in getting to know myself on a deeper level. Really. You should try it, and link to your post in the comments below!
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