I always feel so hopeful around this time of year: Spring is on her way, Imbolc has begun & everything feels fresh and new and filled with promise.
What is Imbolc? Imbolc is (in its most basic definition) a Pagan holiday celebrating Spring's coming. By February, most of us are tired of the cold, snowy season. Imbolc reminds us that spring is coming soon, and that we only have a few more weeks of winter to go. The sun gets a little brighter, the earth gets a little warmer... [Source].
Take a moment to take a few deep breaths. Notice the air filling your lungs, your chest rising, your whole body growing calm.
With this new sense of tranquility, ponder for a few minutes how the whole world is filling with light and hope. Snow will melt soon, giving way to flowers. The fears and guilt so often associated with New Year's will melt away, too, leaving in their wake a new, healthy you and a fresh start.
I am getting a head start on my spring cleaning (both in my house and in my head). I'm trying to be positive and healthy, as I'm always reminded to be on the Sabbats, especially this one.
Regardless of whether you're Pagan of any denomination, or whether you observe Sabbats, I hope you'll take this chance to reflect, to celebrate and to cleanse your life & feel hopeful and free.
Merry Imbolc, beautiful.
Related Links:
Imbolc | Image Source | Holidays | Inspiration
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