Things I Love Friday & Link Love 10 April 2020

Hi friends!

I know it’s been a while. With all of us cooped up and social distancing, this feels like the perfect time to get back to blogging, and being anything but emotionally distant from one another.

Since my last posts I’ve been struggling with illness and the stress and stigma that come with it, so I haven’t had much chance to write at all, let alone for my own blog. So I’m excited to be back, even though our collective circumstances aren’t so lovely. I hope I can do my small part in brightening your day and offering you resources to help you improve your life in some way.

Let’s start with a gratitude list :)

Things I Love Friday

♥ Getting back to making a weekly gratitude list and sharing it!

♥ The flowers (pictured above) that my boyfriend, Samuel bought me when we went grocery shopping today. They’re gorgeous, but more importantly, the gesture makes me feel loved.

♥ Cute messages from my mom, especially when they involve photos of our cats.

♥ Extra cheese

♥ Painting with watercolours 

♥ The makeshift Passover seder Samuel and I had this morning after he finished work.

Lovely Links:

Roses have been cultivated by humans for 5000 years, isn’t that magical? I learned that-- and have been incredibly soothed by-- Tabitha of Winston and Main’s Daily Flower newsletter. If you love flowers are much as I do she’s definitely worth a follow.

♥ Visit The Calm Place.

This pizza looks amazing.

How self-work and personal memories nourish creativity. I really enjoyed this interview with illustrator Loveis Wise.

This podcast sounds fantastic.

Have a safe, wonderful weekend!

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