Free resources to learn and read nearly anything This is quite the list, and many of these resources are new to me.
Backwards In High Heels: A Fred & Ginger Supercut from Worn. I love it so very much.
Anorexia and Obesity are not the same. Also fat-related: This is a powerful fat activism idea.
Lifelike animals formed from shattered glass. Incredible!
25 Things They Should Have Taught Us In School. Accurate.
Melissa McCarthy is working on 3 new movies!
This is the best post I've read recently about Lena Dunham.
Download classic popular books in ebook form here.
Valentine's Day is over, but that's no reason not to make a wall of paper hearts! They look really cute, not to mention quite easy to make.
Finally, this week's image is April Bowles Olin at Blacksburg Belle. Her blog is amazing, so go check it out!
Have a wonderful weekend!