Need a laugh? Music Monday 13.8.2012

Need a laugh?
Political satirist and feminist singer-songwriter Katie Goodman (and her troupe, Broad Comedy) is here to help, with hits like Repetitive Motion Injury ("It could be from... um... making bread!"), Hummer Drivin' Man, I Drunk Dialed Obama ("I know you said you were going to be inclusive so you were being inclusive but do we have to be inclusive of them?! Don't they opt out of being inclusive by being anti-inclusive?"), and Soccer Mom Ho.

Katie's music is wildly popular and has been featured in countless publications, including Bitch magazine and the Huffington Post. It's stomache-inducingly hilarious, endlessly witty and chock-full of timely pop culture and political references.

Buy Katie Goodman's CD and/or mp3s here & watch more videos (including live Broad Comedy performances) here.

Katie Goodman's latest single, These Are the Things I Can't Fucking Remember:

Happy Monday!

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