Confetti 4.3.2011

Good morning, dear readers!! I have lots of confetti for you this week.

Quick Caprese-Style Toasts from Chatelaine look yummy! They're easy to make and super healthy-- perfect for a Friday night amuse-bouche.

Have you seen Lady Gaga's latest video? Born This Way premiered this week and it's already a hit. Adam Lambert describes it as "wild and weird! ...Like Barbarella meets Alien".

As the weather warms up, bright pink lips will be hot. MAC is leading the trend. Gorgeous!

This recipe from the Domestic Sluts looks sooo good. I know what I'll be drinking tonight....

A skinny Mr Potato Head? Really?!

Graphic designer + popular blogger Nubby Twiglet recently visited Paris. Her blog posts (1) and (2) about the adventure.

Via twitter, some great advice from Hunter Burgan.

Have a wonderful weekend xx

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